Hello food lovers, are you looking for Balestier Bak Kit Teh Singapore Menu? If yes, you will be delighted to know that they have a variety of dishes for you with mouthwatering tastes. We have added a detailed Balestier Bak Kit Teh Menu along with images and official prices.
Balestier Bak Kut Teh Singapore is not a halal restaurant as it offers pork-made dishes.
Balestier Bak Kut Teh Singapore Location & Opening Hours
365 &, 369 Balestier Rd, Singapore 329785
Opening Hours: 24 Hours
Phone: +65 6951 4798
All the information you have got from this post, including images, has been taken from the below-given official sources of Balestier Bak Kut Teh Singapore:
I'm Lee Pang a passionate food lover and blogger. Doing food review and vlogging in Singapore from past 7 years but now I have decided to do the same on web. For foodies in the town i will publish latest restaurants menu guide for helping them to make informed decision.